

In adult pigeons and fledglings, there is a noticeable decrease in vitality, reluctance to fly, diarrhea and a reddening of the throat. As the infection progresses, "yellow buttons" appear on the palatal mucosa, developing into yellow deposits (canker). Do not detach the deposits due to risk of bleeding.

Nestlings develop an umbilical infection and an abscess is formed which can spread to the internal organs. At 10-14 days of age, pungent-smelling liquid droppings and the first signs of retarded growth are observed, with the nestlings constantly squeaking for food.

When trichomonads are identified, all pigeons in the flock should be treated at the same time with 4 in 1, Ronidazole (Ridzole 10%) or Metronidazol (Flagyl).

If increased drinking water is required (e.g. in the hatching period or hot weather), do not dilute medicated water. Instead, provide fresh water after the medicated water is finished. Do not provide bath water during the treatment period.

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